Ikigai: what it is and how to use ikigai to find your purpose

Learn about the Japanese Concept of Ikigai — What It Is, the Benefits, How to Use the Ikigai Diagram, and How to Find Your Personal Ikigai and Life’s Purpose In our quest for a meaningful life, many of us grapple with questions about purpose and fulfillment. The Japanese concept of ikigai offers a framework to…

How to stop being sensitive

Am I too sensitive? Explore why you may take things personally and how to stop being overly sensitive in response to criticism or in relationships. Am I too sensitive? The impact of emotional sensitivity Myth 1: Avoiding social situations Avoiding Social Situations Doesn’t Solve Sensitivity Many believe avoiding social situations minimizes emotional overwhelm. This method only…

how to recover from burnout

What is burnout? Common Symptoms of Burnout Burnout manifests in various ways, and recognizing its signs is crucial to address it promptly. Common symptoms of burnout include: Physical Exhaustion: Constant fatigue and lack of energy. Emotional Drainage: Feeling overwhelmed or emotionally drained. Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling or staying asleep. Decreased motivation: Lack of enthusiasm for tasks. Identifying these symptoms early…

Relationship anxiety: 16 signs and how to deal with it

Is it normal? What are some signs of relationship anxiety? Wondering if you matter to your partner Feeling uncertain about how much you matter to your partner can be a sign of relationship anxiety. It’s normal to occasionally question your significance, but persistent doubt can be unsettling and impact your emotional well-being. Here are a…

Soul Ties: 6 Signs and How to Break Them

Introduction Explanation of what soul ties are Soul ties, a concept often rooted in spiritual and emotional realms, refer to deep connections between individuals. These ties can form through close friendships, family bonds, or romantic relationships, encompassing a sense of spiritual and emotional intertwining. At times, soul ties are positive, supporting personal growth and shared…

Alternate Nostril Breathing

What is Alternate Nostril Breathing? Alternate Nostril Breathing, known as “Nadi Shodhana” in Sanskrit, is a breathing technique frequently used in yoga. The practice involves inhaling through one nostril, holding the breath, and exhaling through the opposite nostril. This pattern is then repeated on the other side. Practitioners often use their thumb and ring finger…